There are about 600 actor Catholic women in the world, but none will accept a absolute say in who the next pope will be.
The 115 cardinals voting for the pope are men.
One of these men will be alleged to accomplish Benedict XVI, continuing an alone macho club.
Or is it?
Two movies accept been fabricated about Pope Joan, who, according to legend, was a ninth-century Englishwoman who bearded herself beneath abundant accounting apparel to become a priest, something women are not accustomed to be in the Catholic Church.
As the adventure goes, Joan outdid all the men in her religious studies and rose in the ranks of the cardinals to become pope. She again went into activity during a apostolic advance and the mob descended on her and her child, catastrophe her reign.
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"It keeps ambrosial to new anxieties and new interests," he said. "So aboriginal it's medieval humans who resented the papacy. Again it's Protestants. Again it's French revolutionaries who wish to discredit the church.
"The next constituency is in actuality Catholics who wish to see women priests. And this seems to me the a lot of alarming aspect of the story, because it's application a adventure which is clearly nonsense to addition a acceptable cause."
But Pope Joan still has her believers. Why, they ask, were cardinals asked to sit on a abnormally shaped armchair able-bodied into the 16th century? Was it a bearing chair? Or, as fable holds, a distinctively advised bench for blockage the next Pope had the right, shall we say, accessories for the job?
What about the abnormally alleged Vicus Papissa, or Road of the Lady Pope, a medieval alleyway alone by apostolic processions? This, according to legend, is area Pope Joan came to an end. There is even a altar said to be committed to her and her child.
At Rome's Abbey of St. Lucia, the art on the walls highlights the axial role that women accept had in the church's past. Catholics admire Mary, the mother of Jesus, and abbey history is abounding with changeable saints who struggled and died for the faith. Others banned to break bashful if they saw angry in the church's ranks: In the 14th century, St. Catherine of Siena abundantly alleged the cardinals "devils in animal form."
"Everyone would like to accept added women everywhere, because this is a actuality that is not accessible to stop: Nowadays, women are very, actual strong," said Alessandra Candrelli, one of the abounding women adherent at the Abbey of St. Lucia.
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